Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Letter of Recomendation

Dear Ms. Vellejo,

    I think that this is a good book to read because i found the book  very interesting and the book was kind of weird be cause in the first chapter or as they say that it is the first chapter every word is crossed out. After a couple of pages they say chapter one and it starts off saying that we weren't allowed to see that chapter. The best part of this book is the mystery because they investigate the mysterious death of local Pietro Bergamo. If you read his earlier book Pietro Bergamo is not really dead. If you try to find information on the author you wont be able too because when i tried to research for him they had no information about where hes from or when he was born or even his real name. They did say that he worked a story director for the kids TV shoe rocket power on nickelodeon. Also he hides the identity of his name and he uses many different names. Also i would recommend this book for smaller kids or kids my age because i think they would enjoy reading this book as much as me. Also they can read the his other books too but i don't know how good his other books are than this one i read. The way that i got introduced to this book is because my mom had bought this book for my brother when he was little and she gave it to me to read for this book project.

Continuation Of the Story

 The way that i would want the story to end is that in stead of max-ernest and cass become members of terces societ- a society that stops the mid night sun, they should of kept the mystery of them being part of the society a secret. The reason that i would want it to end that way is because it will raise more suspense to the story and people would want to find out what they had became. 

The end of the story should be something like this:

Since they found the sympothy of smells they should really try to found out what the mystery behind is. The mystery should be like the sympothy of smells should be a cover up for the real mystery like the sympothy of smells is acually a place hidden in the mountains. Then Cass and Max- earnest find a clue to where it is and travel there with the help of there new friend owen. When they get to the place theres this big box with mystery signs on it and it glows bright. Then they have to find a way to open the box and find out what the mystery is, but when they get it open all they find is a note and it says " That the real mystery lies in the eye of the pyramid."  So then they travel to egypt and look for the pyramid with the eye on it. When they find it they'll see a small box with a lock on it. They'll have to find the hidden key inside of the pyramid but they have to be careful of the traps that lie in the pyramid. So then Cass would have to use her survival kit to get by the dangerous traps. As they make their way to through the pyramid they come across to long tunnels and they have to choose which tunnel to go through. So they choose the tunnel to the right and start to walk through it and as they get to the end of the tunnel they a glowing key. As they pick up the key a huge boulder falls down and rolls towards them, so they have to start running back towards the other end of the tunnel to escape the boulder that was rolling after them. They make their way back to the other end of the cave and put the key they found inside of the small box. They see a old fashioned letter that looks thirty years old and Cass opens the letter and it talks about how a man was murdered by the president.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Author Biography

    The identity of Pseudonymous Bosch is the subject of much speculation and controversy. 
Some believe he is an itinerant truffle hunter. Others swear he can be found on a street corner every Sunday reenacting the plays of Shakespeare in mime. Still others have identified him as an exceptionally bright but troubled fifth grader known for collecting unusually large boogers under his desk. Bosch was widely believed to be Megan McDonald, Rick Riordan, Heinrich Hoffmann, Daniel Handler (a.k.a. Lemony Snicket), Graeme Williams, Jon Scieszka, Trenton Lee Stewart, or Edie Bilmann. In late 2009, Copyright.gov revealed that the copyright for The Name of This Book is Secret was a woman whose name is not to be told, who used the pseudonym of Pseudonymous Bosch.Bosch has stated that he had previously worked as a writer for the Nickelodeon children's show Rocket Power. A man named Raphael Simon is credited with writing two Rocket Power episodes in 2001 and 2002.
    No one knows really when he was born or where he was born becausehe tries to keep everything a secret.Theres no saying where he is right now or even who he is because he keeps himself hidden from the rest of the world. Some people believe that two reseachers found the author and interviewed him, but most likely  it isnt true. Reseachers are doing some hard research just to find this author but still havent found a trace on him. i think that some of accomplishements towrds books are these two called, "If your reading  this its too late" and "The name of this book is secret."

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Summary- Post #1

        The story first talks about  how there is a dangerous secret contained within the pages of this book, but readers are in good hands with author Pseudonymous Bosch. He protects the reader by withholding information when he can, by disguising information when he can’t, and by issuing warnings when he feels it necessary .The story starts when real-estate agent for the dead named Gloria finds a mysterious box in a magician's house called, The Symphony of Smells, and gives it to Cassandra and her substitute grandfathers. Eleven-year-old schoolmates Cass and Max-Ernest are nothing alike. Max-Ernest is small for his age. He likes to tell jokes and talk non-stop, even when no one is listening. He lives in a house divided straight down the middle --- one side for each of his divorced parents, who still live together and frequently take him to the doctor to find out what makes him so hyper and causes his “condition.” Max-Ernest has a logical mind. He likes to study, make observations and think things through. He cuts every hair on his head the same length because he “doesn’t like to favor one hair over another.” He is used to being teased and ridiculed and having his lunch stolen, yet he never lets what other people say upset him. But he is pleased when Cass becomes his first real “friend.” Cass, a conspiracy-theory-advocate-in-training, has a wild imagination. She doesn’t care much about her appearance, except that she always covers her large, elfin-like ears, which have a tendency to turn bright red when she is embarrassed or less than truthful. Cass is a survivalist who has no time for trivial matters or friends. Her take on the story about the boy who cried wolf is that it is “better to cry wolf over and over than never to cry wolf at all.” In addition to her school books and homework, she carries a backpack full of survival essentials, including a flashlight, compass, maps, rope, first-aid kit and well, you get the picture. When Cass’s mother goes on a Hawaiian “work plus vacation trip” and leaves Cass with Larry and Wayne, her substitute grandfathers, Cass and Max-Ernest’s adventure and danger begins. Larry and Wayne live around the corner from Cass in an old, abandoned fire station that has been converted to an antiques store and warehouse. One day it was a Wednesday Gloria Fortune, a real estate agent for the dead, shows up at the store with a container of stuff from the home of a magician who has disappeared. After having the house emptied and cleaned out, Gloria has some items she wants Larry and Wayne to take off her hands. One is a redwood box, which is shaped like a briefcase. Inside the box are dozens of sparkling crystal vials, a small brass plaque engraved with “The Symphony of Smells” and a notebook. Cass enlists Max-Ernest's help to uncover the secret behind the “Symphony of Smells” and the message hidden in the notebook. While trying to solve the mystery, they encounter Dr. L. and Ms. Mauvais, wealthy and evil villains who wear white gloves, ride in a limousine and have an unnatural interest in children with special gifts. When Cass tries to rescue an unusually gifted classmate who goes missing after Dr. L. and Ms. Mauvais visit their school, Cass does more than solve a mystery. She learns about the true meaning of loyalty, bravery and friendship.

     Mystery surrounds the death of magician Pietro Bergamo. When his few possessions are brought to the fire department turned antique store, Cassandra is intrigued. The exercise equipment and mixer hold no interest for her, but the vial of smells does. Her interest and conclusions subsequently intrigue Max-Ernest. Using Cassandra’s survival expertise and Max’s code-breaking techniques, the two friends find themselves exploring the contents of the magician’s house (and its hidden rooms), a story-yielding notebook and one peculiar spa. All the while Cassandra and Max-Ernest are finding clues and stumbling across discoveries relating to the secret, they are moving more quickly and closely to danger. Cassandra and Max-Ernest are chased by a “Golden Lady” and a deep-voiced, silver-haired man. Although they initially elude the couple, Cassandra and Max-Ernest run into the identity-changing duo again at their own school. While at the school, the couple, who call themselves Ms. Mauvais and Dr. L., kidnap a student and take him away to their Midnight Sun Spa. While being escorted to her suite, she spots Gloria in a younger form lounging about a pool. Gloria is oblivious to the truth and is enjoying her stay. Cass then meets Owen, a stuttering servant who sets up her room and tries to make her comfortable. Cass finds Owen the most likable out of all those at the spa. Later that night Owen comes into Cass's room, speaking with a strange accent and no stutter, a notable characteristic he had when she last met him. Max-Ernest and Cass reunite as Owen leaves to go about some business and they discover that the goal of the Midnight Sun is to achieve eternal youth. The duo save Benjamin and a fire breaks out, but before it is implied that Ms. Mauvais' conspirator Dr. L is Pietro Bergamo's brother Luciano. Owen meets up with Max-Ernest, Cass and Benjamin and they all speed away from the spa in the limousine as the light from the orb atop the pyramid dims and eventually goes out. Along the way home the limo nearly crashes into a truck. When the driver exits the vehicle, he is found to be Grandpa Larry and his dog looking for Cass. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Testing Strategies

Testing Strategies-

  • Eliminate the wrong answers
  • When doing the English test read the questions, then read the passage
  • Ask teachers for clarity on words that you don't understand
  • Make sure to double check your answers
  • Ask the teacher to go over the test with you 
        The thing that i am going to do to prepare for the CST is to study old test and quizzes to go over standards that we learned before. Have a classmate quiz or go over the test with you to go over the wrong answers and correct them. Ask a teacher to retake any test r quizzes that you did bad on so you can get better at those standards. Also complete any missing assignments that go over the standards on CST to help you. Another way that i am going to prepare for the CST is that i am going to review old notes and homework that go over the standards that are going to be on the CST. 
        Reviewing old notes will help understand the standards a little bit better, than i did before. Also have an study partner to help you study when you needed the most because if you don't have the notes that they took because you weren't there that day, you can ask your study partner for the notes. Having these tips for you to prepare for the CST will help you get Advanced or Proficient on the CST. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Poetry Terms

1. Rhyme- Using the same vowel and consonant sound at the end of two words
2. Repition- Using the same word or phrase more than once
3. Allteration- Using the same consonant at the beginning if words
4. Symbol- Its an object, person, or idea that stands for something beyond itsself
5. Imagery- Words and phrases that appeal to your senses
6. Figurative- Metaphor- The comparison of one thing to the other without using like or as
7. Simile- Comparison between two things using like or as
8. Peraonification- Is a description of something that is non human as if they were human
9. Narriitive- Tells a story
10. Lyric Poem- Expresses the thoughts and feeling of a single speaker