Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Poetry Terms

1. Rhyme- Using the same vowel and consonant sound at the end of two words
2. Repition- Using the same word or phrase more than once
3. Allteration- Using the same consonant at the beginning if words
4. Symbol- Its an object, person, or idea that stands for something beyond itsself
5. Imagery- Words and phrases that appeal to your senses
6. Figurative- Metaphor- The comparison of one thing to the other without using like or as
7. Simile- Comparison between two things using like or as
8. Peraonification- Is a description of something that is non human as if they were human
9. Narriitive- Tells a story
10. Lyric Poem- Expresses the thoughts and feeling of a single speaker

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