Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Continuation Of the Story

 The way that i would want the story to end is that in stead of max-ernest and cass become members of terces societ- a society that stops the mid night sun, they should of kept the mystery of them being part of the society a secret. The reason that i would want it to end that way is because it will raise more suspense to the story and people would want to find out what they had became. 

The end of the story should be something like this:

Since they found the sympothy of smells they should really try to found out what the mystery behind is. The mystery should be like the sympothy of smells should be a cover up for the real mystery like the sympothy of smells is acually a place hidden in the mountains. Then Cass and Max- earnest find a clue to where it is and travel there with the help of there new friend owen. When they get to the place theres this big box with mystery signs on it and it glows bright. Then they have to find a way to open the box and find out what the mystery is, but when they get it open all they find is a note and it says " That the real mystery lies in the eye of the pyramid."  So then they travel to egypt and look for the pyramid with the eye on it. When they find it they'll see a small box with a lock on it. They'll have to find the hidden key inside of the pyramid but they have to be careful of the traps that lie in the pyramid. So then Cass would have to use her survival kit to get by the dangerous traps. As they make their way to through the pyramid they come across to long tunnels and they have to choose which tunnel to go through. So they choose the tunnel to the right and start to walk through it and as they get to the end of the tunnel they a glowing key. As they pick up the key a huge boulder falls down and rolls towards them, so they have to start running back towards the other end of the tunnel to escape the boulder that was rolling after them. They make their way back to the other end of the cave and put the key they found inside of the small box. They see a old fashioned letter that looks thirty years old and Cass opens the letter and it talks about how a man was murdered by the president.

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